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Stock Traders Talk Exclusive: Bob Singerman, CEO of DIBZ International, Inc. (DIBZ)

2017 02 01 113905

Stock Traders Talk conducts an exclusive interview with Bob Singerman, CEO of DIBZ International, Inc. (DIBZ) on February 1st, 2017: About Turbo Global Partners, Inc.-  Turbo Global Partners (http://www.TurboGlobalPartners.com) is a publicly traded OTC company under the symbol, DIBZ.  Turbo Global Partners completed a Reverse Merger with DIBZ June 2, 2016, and is a diversified holding company. Turbo’s businesses span Sports and

Stock Traders Talk Exclusive: Bob Singerman, CEO of DIBZ International, Inc. (DIBZ)

2017 02 01 113905

Stock Traders Talk conducts an exclusive interview with Bob Singerman, CEO of DIBZ International, Inc. (DIBZ) on February 1st, 2017: