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Stock Traders Talk CEO Interview ~ Frank Labrozzi NDEV 5/7/13

Stock Traders Talk CEO Interview ~ Frank Labrozzi NDEV 5/7/13



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Novus Acquisition & Development Corp.
Exclusive CEO Interview NDEV
Website: http://www.ndev.biz
Phone: 305-467-6699

Business Description
The company’s business model is to acquire and assist in the development of moderately profitable or just past the pre-revenue stage (under $50 million in revenues). Our buy side target is small cap companies that; a) lack in capital for marketing/advertising or technology development and; b) that have products or services with real consumer appeal.

The company’s management is well seasoned with domestic and off shore private and public companies with leadership in Mergers and Acquisitions, Media Assessment, Strategic Planning, Contract Negotiations, Turnaround/ Reorganization, Investor Relations, and Capitalization Structures.