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CEO Interview: EDVP’s Edward Withrow on Stock Traders Talk

CEO Interview: EDVP’s Edward Withrow on Stock Traders Talk

CEO Interview: EDVP’s Edward Withrow on Stock Traders Talk

Endeavor Power Corp. (EDVP)
2 Canal Park
5th Floor
Cambridge, MA 02141
Symbol: EDVP
Website: http://www.endeavorpowercorp.com
Phone: 617-209-7999

Business Description
Endeavor Power Corp. (“Endeavor Power Corp”) is a bio-medical company which owns a line of proprietary Point of Care diagnostic tests on a single platform. Endeavor Power Corp has a novel handheld diagnostic testing system that is simple, rapid and elegant, offering the potential to transform the diagnostic landscape by transitioning critical tests from the centralized lab directly to the hands of the physician or clinicians. Endeavor Power Corp has an exclusive license for a number of issued patents & pending patents, protecting its underlying technology as well as methods for future test development. Endeavor Power Corp has FDA 510k Cleared tests for certain Infectious Diseases and a FDA 510k Cleared Desk Top Analyzer. A mobile hand held device is being developed.